Evropský týden programování 2015

Ve třetí říjnovém týdnu proběhla akce, která měla motivovat studenty k programování, podpořit jejich tvořivost a porozumění informatice. Již druhým rokem se skupina našich studentů pod vedením vývojářů CA Technologies zúčastnila Evropského týdne programování.

Letošním úkolem našich studentů bylo vytvořit prototyp aplikace pro vizualizaci komponentů Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs). Firma CA poskytla našim studentům příjemné pracovní prostředí, technické zázemí. Studenti měli možnost vyzkoušet si proces vytváření profesionálního produktu. Na závěr týdne byl výsledný prototyp aplikace studenty prezentován. Práce našich studentů byla oceněna potleskem všech zúčastněných pracovníků firmy. Na otázku „Co tě nejvíc na této akci bavilo?“ studenti odpověděli:

Bohumila Potocna – “For the first time I was working on a program in a team, and it surprised me how much easier it is than to code alone. I’ve been already planning a career in technology and I’m quite sure about it.”

Jan Boucek – “I think it’s a great experience, I finally got some time to dig into code and learn a lot not only about coding, but also developing the product in a team. I am pretty much determined to work in technology. When I start looking for a job after school, or even as an intern, CA will definitely be the first place to look.”

Ondrej Fanta – “I think that working in CA Technologies was eye opening. I came thinking that I would just be working in Java, it would be the same as it has always been; however, there was no Java. This is the first time that I’ve been motivated to learn different programming languages.”

Vladislav Trnka – “This week gave me new experiences in team work. I am sure, I will use it in my career future, which will probably be in technology and IT.”

Martin Korecek – “For me the most interesting thing was the cooperation with nine other people. Until now I only worked on my own projects. I already thought about career in IT before this week but now I am sure I’d like to do it as a job.”

Krystof Selucky – “The most interesting part of this project for me was the opportunity to work on a software project in a bigger team. Also the possibility to occupy the environment provided by an international software company was inspirational and interesting.”

Vaclav Volhejn – ”The most interesting part: Parts of code that work without me ever touching them; having all the pieces come together. Would I consider a career in technology? I am fairly certain that I am going to work on a software-related field.”

Odkaz na tiskovou zprávu CA Technoligies: http://www.ca.com/us/news/press-releases/na/2015/stem-initiatives-at-ca-technologies-prague-technology-centre-help-nurture-tomorrows-it-leaders.aspx