Vojtěch a Šimon zdraví z Winchester College!

(více od každého zvlášť po rozkliknutí jejich jmen v nadpisu)

Our time at Winchester College has already reached its halfway point. So far it has been the most extraordinary experience of our studies and we are forever grateful for the opportunity to spend the term here.

The greatest difference comes from the fact that it is a boarding school, so the Pupils have to spend almost all of their time at the school. That includes sport and other free time activities, which there is a great offer of. We are encouraged to attend the so-called societies, which range from debating clubs and different science societies to the Sunday evening board game society and for example the bell-ringing society. A different kind of activity is the Community service or Combined Cadet Force, which we have to engage in once a week.

Another very noticeable difference is the UK school system in general. Here, students spend the last two years before university preparing for their A-Levels, which are exams similar to our Maturita. In these two years, in Winchester called VI book, you study only the three to four subjects which you want to do your A-Levels in. Only in Winchester is there also Div, which is a compulsory subject for everyone, where the lessons are spent discussing culture, art and whatever else the teacher deems appropriate.

Our day begins with breakfast at our respective houses (there are eleven). The lessons, which begin at 8:45, are only 35 minutes long with 5 minute breaks in between, which forces the teachers and students to start and end on time, since you have to regularly move between quite far apart buildings. Arriving late is frowned upon and could be met with a punishment, if it’s after a longer break.

After the sixth period all pupils meet at their houses for lunch. There, the ritual begins with waiting for the arrival of guests (other teachers), after which the housemaster says the grace “Benedictus benedicat” and everyone eats their meal, while having a conversation with the teachers or other Pupils. When everyone is finished, the grace “Benedicto benedicatur” is said and usually sports activities and societies follow (the time being called Ekker).

Three times a week, there are also afternoon lessons from 16:05 to 18:00. Dinner (called Tea) is held in a more casual manner than lunch at 18:00. From 19:00 to 21:00 all students have to do their homework, which is referred to as Toytime.

There are also lessons on Saturday morning and a compulsory Anglican Chapel service on Sunday. Chapel service must also be attended once per week in the morning before lessons.

Best Wishes,

Šimon and Vojtěch